Reinvent the present data to make your business future-ready

Data & Analytics

Data and analytics have accelerated the pace of growth for businesses, both big and small. Data today is not meant to be piled up. It’s meant to be reinvented and utilized to unlock new possibilities, design data-driven campaigns and make businesses future ready. Raw data when combined with analytics can become an asset and the figurative capital that can enable companies to expand both their global reach and ROI.

When integrated with cloud technology and AI, data can transform into a powerful tool, a tool that can scale an organization’s capabilities and can help them uncover new sources of sustainable development and growth. But, it’s easier said than done. Generating valuable reports and making projections can be a Herculean task not to mention the extra costs involved.

That’s where we come in, to resolve your data matter, share its encumbrance and get your business future ready by aligning it with data-based marketing strategies and analytics.

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Convert Cluttered Data into Beneficial Insights with iSB’s Data and Analytics Services

Gathering data from scattered sources, segregating actionable information from it and then executing the same into working models with advanced analytics to have futuristic cognizance – when unplanned, these steps of data rationalization can result into disruption but when done well, they can be remarkably rewarding. iSB’s proficient analytics team is here to make certain that you reap the maximum benefits by converting your cluttered data into beneficial insights.


Data Convergence and Integration

Emails, social media, CRMs, marketing platforms and many more, accumulating this scattered data in a single place becomes a prerequisite for making data ubiquitous. Building a data warehouse with a secure foundation while harnessing cloud technology is a feasible solution as it will empower organizations to meet the ever-needed demand of day-to-day data convergence.

Professionals of iSB guide you step-by-step towards creating scalable, strong data architecture by making use of network connected services and reliable platforms like Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google.


Analytics Services

Analytics services are crucial for any business as they are not only time saving and cost efficient but are also empowered with technology that can handle and scale a huge amount of data. Apart from providing organizations with valuable insights into their data, analytics when combined with advanced technologies like AI and ML can optimize a system’s capability manifolds and enable organizations to give optimum performance based on their reinvented data-driven models.

iSB’s constructive analytics services help organizations to incorporate deep learning by utilizing our tech expertise combined with hands-on experience.


Data Management

The true benefit of data can only be reaped when it’s put to use which is the next crucial step. Once your data is gathered, it needs to be assorted, prepared, and then classified to be put into practical use. In short, your data requires resourceful management. Leave that to us because our data managers will ensure that all nitty-gritty is taken care of including its privacy and security. Our experts automate necessary processes like data integration and recognition and see to it that data deployment is hassle-free.

Why iSB’s Data and Analytics Services?

That’s because we understand that each organization and industry vertical comes with its own unique set of challenges regarding its data. Systems, processes and applications are many but the real challenge lies in incorporating the right ones and aligning it with correct data operations and analytics services. iSB’s data and analytics services mixes its tech knowledge with skills in order to facilitate crucial business decisions driven by well-assorted, automated and useful data. We help you to:

If you’re still wondering how to gain vital insights from piled up data, then stop wondering and start acting by having a chat with an iSB data expert consultant.

Hire our Data & Analytics Experts