Top Python Frameworks to Work with in 2023

Python has been slithering its way up the popularity ladder in the web development industry. Slowly but surely, this programming language has grown into a powerful technology that finds its use in a wide range of applications courtesy of its useful features.

But what makes it even more beneficial is its rich and extensive ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks. These frameworks help developers build complex apps quickly yet efficiently.

Over the years, its growing community has added to the number of Python frameworks and some of them gained immediate attention. In this post, we take a look at the top Python frameworks that developers should work with to notch things up with their development.

But first, let’s get a quick intro to Python frameworks.

A Python framework is a collection of pre-written codes, mostly in the form of modules or packages, which enable developers to create secure and scalable web apps easily and efficiently.

The frameworks come in real handy in performing common functions like database management, rendering HTML templates, handling HTTP requests, and implementing authentication systems.

Python frameworks differ in their sizes and types. Right from full-stack frameworks like Flask and Django to micro ones like CherryPy and Bottle, each one comes with its own set of pros and cons.

But the common thing among these frameworks is that they help save a lot of time and effort for developers as they eliminate the need to write everything from scratch.


Let’s have a look at the names that are going to lead Python web development via their potent features and powerful tooling.


Django will continue to govern Python development in 2023 thanks to its clean, pragmatic design and comprehensive features. It consists of a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system that proves useful in database interaction using Python code directly instead of SQL statements.

The high-level framework also comes with an in-built, customizable admin panel that makes functionality management easy for developers.

Other key features include:

– an in-built URL routing that enables developers to map URLs to views and templates
– a templating engine that offers flexible ways to create dynamic HTML pages
– excellent middleware support that lets developers add custom functionality to request/response processing
– robust security features including cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection
– a reliable testing framework that contains tools for automated testing of web apps
– support for third-party packages and plug-ins thereby allowing developers to enhance apps with additional functionality



Tornado is another popular, open-source Python framework that is preferred for its scalability, speed, and non-blocking, asynchronous architecture. Created at FriendFeed, Tornado has been used by well-known tech giants including Pinterest and Mozilla. 

Like Django, this too is famous for its extensive set of powerful features including support for the asyncio module and coroutines to help run codes concurrently without the need for callbacks, and a robust HTTP server to handle simultaneous connection.

Other key features include:

– support for famous databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL
– support for WebSockets that makes it easy to create real-time applications that require two-way communication between the client and server
– support for HTTP clients and servers that facilitate easy integration with other web services and APIs
– a wide range of third-party plug-ins including support for popular APIs like Facebook and Google Maps
– a customizable, modular architecture that helps in molding the framework to fit specific requirements
– a robust templating engine for HTML generation HTML and other content 


Here comes another open-source, flexible, and scalable Python framework that is popular among developers for its modular architecture, powerful ORM (known as SQLAlchemy), and a Chameleon-based template system.

The template system helps in the creation of reusable and dynamic templates that can be used for building different applications. Pyramid is also known for its highly customizable routing system and other pragmatic development solutions.

Other key features include:

– support for a variety of database back-ends which includes relational databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL, and NoSQL, and also databases like MongoDB and Redis
– support for user authentication with a variety of authentication schemes and authorization policies available out of the box
– a built-in testing framework, making it easy to write and run automated tests
– support for internationalization and localization that allow the creation of apps with support for multiple languages and regions
– availability of several configuration options and hooks to augment customization.
– in-built security features that protect apps against CSRF attacks and help with session management 


You simply cannot miss mentioning Flask while you’re on the topic of top Python frameworks. This one is lightweight and stands ideal for the development of small to medium-sized web apps along with APIs.

Although it does not have any ORM system, it can seamlessly integrate with popular databases like MySQL and SQLite.

Other key features include:

– a high degree of customization with an array of extensions to add extra functionality like API development
– a Jinja2-based authentication system and templating engine for the dynamic generation of HTML pages
– a routing system that enables the mapping of URLs to Python functions
– a built-in development server, to enable developers to test their apps locally without the need to deploy them to a production server
– availability of debugging tools like the ability to set breakpoints and inspect variables
– seamless integration with other Python libraries like NumPy and Pandas for creating data-driven web applications. 


Performant, lightweight and efficient, this minimalist framework is loved by Python developers for its ability to handle high-traffic applications. Falcon offers developers easy-to-use APIs that make it easier for them to create RESTful web services. 

Falcon’s middleware and lazy loading features help reduce overhead and improve an app’s overall performance.

Other key features include:

– availability of a range of middleware and hooks that make Falcon extensible
– support for other Python libraries like SQLAlchemy and PyJWT
– an in-built built-in request and response handling mechanism that allows developers to easily parse and format data in their APIs
– compliant with HTTP standards that make it easy to integrate with other HTTP-based systems
– compatible with WSGI so it can be deployed on any WSGI server like Gunicorn or uWSGI.
– a modular architecture that makes for a high degree of customization


Last but not least, we have another minimalist Python framework with a focus on simplicity. CherryPy has been designed to work as a high-level interface to the HTTP protocol and help developers with the quick creation of effective web apps.

Its powerful HTTP server can be used for several purposes, besides serving web pages, like support for URL routing, sessions, and cookies. One of its biggest advantages is its flexibility which makes it a fitting tool for the development of apps ranging from small-scale apps to large-scale, enterprise-grade projects.

Other key features include:

– in-built support for documentation tasks like project profiling, testing, and coverage
– the capability to enable developers to work with multiple HTTP servers together
– built-in session management that enables developers to manage user sessions in their web apps
– a thread-pooled architecture which comes effective in handling multiple requests simultaneously
– efficient URL mapping that permits developers to map URLs to Python classes and methods and makes it easy for them to build RESTful web applications


Python is potent and powerful and there is no doubt about it. But its frameworks are equally good and come with lots of useful features and functions that make development fun, easy, and efficient for Python programmers.

Although there are several Python frameworks (full-stack and micro) to work with, some are more resourceful than others. But the ones that developers should work with in 2023 are Django, Tornado, Pyramid, Flask, Falcon, and CherryPy.

However, the best choice depends highly on the type of project and its specific requirements in which case developers should measure the pros and cons and pick accordingly.

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